About the Center
The Yachin Center is an applied research center focusing on advancing policies rooted in Jewish values and Jewish identity among government authorities and the Israeli public.
The center carries out intensive research, analyzes the structure of government institutions, and develops databases.
Honest Research. Changing Policy. Making an Impact.
- The center produces research reports, position papers, and analysis by researchers and professionals in the fields of Jewish and national identity.
- The center advances policy by carrying out intensive values-based research, analyzing the structure of government institutions and developing databases.
- The center formulates policy recommendations and advances them among the public and decision makers.
- The center works together with government authorities in the State of Israel to promote the character of Israel as a Jewish State.
Focus Areas
Center Leadership
Oren Henig
Yuval Tzur
Rav Yair Kreitman
Rav Yaakov Yakir
עו"ד אבי שמידט
Board and Steering Committee
Attorney Yitzhack Meron
xpert in civil and commercial litigation. Former
head of the Disciplinary Committee of the Israeli Bar Association. Activist on public policy issues related to fundamental aspects of the State of Israel.
Meir Ben Shabat
National Security Advisor and Former Chairman of the National Security Council. Head of the Institute for National Security and Zionist Strategy in Jerusalem.
Prof. Eliav Shochetman
xpert on Jewish Law, recipient of the Rav Kook Prize for Jewish Thought and the Emet Prize.
Prof. Nahum Rakover
Expert on Jewish Law. Recipient of the Israeli Prize for Jewish Thought and the Yakir Yerushalayim prize. Former Deputy Attorney General and publisher of over 30 books.
Rav Yitzhak Levi
Former Member of Knesset and Minister, current head of the Steering Committee of the Hemdat Hadarom Academic College of Education.
Rav Dr. Ratzon Arusi
Rabbi of the city of Kiryat Ono and member of the Chief Rabbinical Council of Israel.
Prof. Yehuda Skornik
Emeritus Professor in Medicine at Tel Aviv University.
Attorney Eldad Rabinovich
Attorney in the fields of constitutional law and land rights.
Dr. Chaim Cohen
Ph.D. in sociology from Cornell University. Made Aliyah to Israel and worked as a geriatric social worked for many years. Publishes articles in English.
Attorney Yiska Bina
Completed a B.A. in political science and a B.L.L. in law. Partner at the Rothman-Lev-Bina Firm. Expert on governance and society, serves as the Head of Research at the Movement for Governance and Democracy. Publishes and speak widely to the media.
Dr. Meir Seidler
Senior Lecturer and researcher in Jewish Thought at Ariel University and Bar-Ilan University.
Rav Chaim Fogel
director of the Orot College, Chairman of the Center for the Rambam’s Legacy, founder of the Noam and Tzviya Institutes.
Shai Alon, CPA
Head of the Beit El Local Council, Deputy Chairman of the Forum for Advancing the Periphery in Israel, Member of the Steering Committee at the Orot College for Education.
Rav Yehuda Glick
The first National Religious Dayan in Israel. Served as the Av Beit Din of the Rabbinical Court in Ariel, Av Beit Din of the Rabbinical. Court in Petach Tikvah, and a Rav at the Birkat Moshe Yeshiva in Maale Adumim.
Rabbanit Orit Amar
Community leader, educator, lecturer, trainer, and facilitator of workshops. Director of the Shaarei Tziyon nonprofit, and active in the Garin Torani “Kanfei Noam” in Kfar Yona.
Rav Dr. Elad Dukov
Rabbi of the Technion and Ph.D. in Mathematics with a focus on game theory.
Rav Chaim Yeruham Smotrich
Rabbi of the Beit Yatir Community in Har Hevron. Rabbi and head of the Nir Kollel in Kiryat Arba. Taught for many years at the Beit El Yeshiva and serves at the head of the Beit Moriah center in Beer Sheva.
Rav Ariel Bareli
Rabbi of the community of Beit El, Head of the Institute of Jewish Law for the Nation, Av Beit Din of the Monetary Court in the Binyamin Regional Cuncil. Served as a Rabbi at the Sderot Yeshiva, and as head of the Doresh Tov synagogue in the city.
Rav Avraham Wasserman
Rabbi of the ‘Gvurat Mordechai’ community in Givatayim. Served as a Rabbi and head of the Kollel on Halacha in Yeshivat Ramat Gan. Served as Rabbi of the Kibbutz Shluhot near Beit Shean. Wrote five books.
Rav Danny Eizik
Former Head of the Beit Orot Hesder Yeshiva. Spent many years as a Rabbi at the Beit El Yeshiva and at Or Etzion.
Rav Yehoshua Shapira
Founder and Rosh Yeshiva of the Ramat Gan Hesder Yeshiva.
Rav Rafi Peretz
Former Education Minister and Former Chief Rabbi of the IDF. Head of the ‘Etzem’ Institutions.
Matti Dan
Director of the Ateret Cohanim nonprofit.
Expert in civil and commercial litigation. Former head of the Disciplinary Committee of the Israeli Bar Association. Activist on public policy issues related to fundamental aspects of the State of Israel

Attorney Yitzhack Meron
National Security Advisor and Former Chairman of the National Security Council. Head of the Institute for National Security and Zionist Strategy in Jerusalem.

Meir Ben Shabat
Expert on Jewish Law, recipient of the Rav Kook Prize for Jewish Thought and the Emet Prize

Prof. Eliav Shochetman
Expert on Jewish Law. Recipient of the Israeli Prize for Jewish Thought and the Yakir Yerushalayim prize. Former Deputy Attorney General and publisher of over 30 books.

Prof. Nahum Rakover
Former Member of Knesset and Minister, current head of the Steering Committee of the Hemdat Hadarom Academic College of Education

Rav Yitzhak Levi
Rabbi of the city of Kiryat Ono and member of the Chief Rabbinical Council of Israel

Rav Dr. Ratzon Arusi
Emeritus Professor in Medicine at Tel Aviv University

Prof. Yehuda Skornik
Attorney in the fields of constitutional law and land rights.

Attorney Eldad Rabinovich
Ph.D. in sociology from Cornell University. Made Aliyah to Israel and worked as a geriatric social worked for many years. Publishes articles in English.

Dr. Chaim Cohen
Completed a B.A. in political science and a B.L.L. in law. Partner at the Rothman-Lev-Bina Firm. Expert on governance and society, serves as the Head of Research at the Movement for Governance and Democracy. Publishes and speak widely to the media.

Attorney Yiska Bina
Senior Lecturer and researcher in Jewish Thought at Ariel University and Bar-Ilan University

Dr. Meir Seidler
director of the Orot College, Chairman of the Center for the Rambam’s Legacy, founder of the Noam and Tzviya Institutes.

Rav Chaim Fogel
Head of the Beit El Local Council, Deputy Chairman of the Forum for Advancing the Periphery in Israel, Member of the Steering Committee at the Orot College for Education.

Shai Alon, CPA
The first National Religious Dayan in Israel. Served as the Av Beit Din of the Rabbinical Court in Ariel, Av Beit Din of the Rabbinical. Court in Petach Tikvah, and a Rav at the Birkat Moshe Yeshiva in Maale Adumim.

Rav Yehuda Glick
Community leader, educator, lecturer, trainer, and facilitator of workshops. Director of the Shaarei Tziyon nonprofit, and active in the Garin Torani “Kanfei Noam” in Kfar Yona.

Rabbanit Orit Amar
Rabbi of the Technion and Ph.D. in Mathematics with a focus on game theory.

Rav Dr. Elad Dukov
Rabbi of the Beit Yatir Community in Har Hevron. Rabbi and head of the Nir Kollel in Kiryat Arba. Taught for many years at the Beit El Yeshiva and serves at the head of the Beit Moriah center in Beer Sheva

Rav Chaim Yeruham Smotrich
Rabbi of the community of Beit El, Head of the Institute of Jewish Law for the Nation, Av Beit Din of the Monetary Court in the Binyamin Regional Cuncil. Served as a Rabbi at the Sderot Yeshiva, and as head of the Doresh Tov synagogue in the city.

Rav Ariel Bareli
Rabbi of the ‘Gvurat Mordechai’ community in Givatayim. Served as a Rabbi and head of the Kollel on Halacha in Yeshivat Ramat Gan. Served as Rabbi of the Kibbutz Shluhot near Beit Shean. Wrote five books.

Rav Avraham Wasserman
Former Head of the Beit Orot Hesder Yeshiva. Spent many years as a Rabbi at the Beit El Yeshiva and at Or Etzion.

Rav Danny Eizik
Founder and Rosh Yeshiva of the Ramat Gan Hesder Yeshiva

Rav Yehoshua Shapira
Former Education Minister and Former Chief Rabbi of the IDF. Head of the ‘Etzem’ Institutions.

Rav Rafi Peretz
Director of the Ateret Cohanim nonprofit.

Matti Dan
Contact Us
- 026509111
- merkazyachin@gmail.com